Just as Miriam led the praise and worship to the Lord as the Israelite’s were led out of bondage, so the Lord uses this house and ministry to help other women who are being led out of the bondage of abuse, trafficking, and hopelessness. Your giving enables Miriam's House Ministries to give these women and children a safe place to rest, to help them to discover their next steps, and empower them to take them. We do this by introducing them to Jesus Christ through prayer, bible study, and day-to-day examples of Christ’s love for them, while connecting them with avenues to find their independence through education, jobs, and services. Due to the increased need, we are actively looking for a larger house and will move as the Lord leads. I would ask that you keep the women intended to come to Miriam’s House in prayer, along with the necessary support needs for maintaining Miriam's House, and please consider donating on a one-time basis, or as a monthly supporter. ~Thank you
Miriam's House Ministries is a 501c3 registered non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.